Services – There will be a Service at Tankersley St. Peter’s at 09.30 am on Sunday 19th February. There is no service at St. Paul’s, Pilley this week.
Age UK – Healthy Living sessions for the over 50’s are held between 1000 and 1200 hours on Wednesday mornings in The Welfare Hall of The Hub. Activities include armchair exercise and healthy eating. Contact Karen Dennis on 01226 776820 for more details.
A Games Evening including ‘beetle drive’, quiz, games, bingo, raffle and pancakes organised by Tankersley St. Peter’s will be held in the Hub on Tuesday 21st February commencing at 7.00 pm. Tickets are £6.00 and can be obtained from Janet on 01226 744140.
The weekly coffee afternoon is held at the Hub on Tuesdays between 1300 and 1430. Refreshments, bingo, raffle and a chat – no age limit – open to everyone.
Neighbourhood Plan – a display and awareness raising event was held last Sunday. Sub-groups were formed to consider the issues identified as important to the future development of the Parish. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 16th March. Further details can be obtained from
King’s Coronation – a working group meeting was held to finalise plans for the forthcoming King’s Coronation. There will be a ‘Picnic in the Park’ event on Sunday 7th May with children’s attractions, demonstrations, stalls and music followed by an ‘early evening’ social in the Hub with a live band. Anyone interested in being involved should contact John Hopkinson via – or by phone on 07980200365.
The Hub Tuck Shop is now closed for the winter period.
Tankersley Community Green – The former bowling green is now being managed by Tankersley Community Association and is available to hire for outdoor events. Details are available from the Secretary.