Services – There will not be a Service at Tankersley St. Peter’s Church this Sunday. There will be a United Service at 11.00 at St. Leonard’s, Wortley. No service at St. Paul’s, Pilley this week.
Age UK – Healthy Living – continues on Wednesdays at 1000 hours in The Hub.
Tankersley Community Association – The afternoon teas continue at 1300 hours on Tuesdays.
It has been agreed to organise Halloween Party for children and families on Sunday 29th October, and residents are invited to get involved and help organise the event by contacting Dave on 07970818575 or any TCA member.
The next Whist Drive will be held on Thursday 24th August at 1330 in The Hub.
Tankersley Parish Council – there will be a meeting on Monday 21st August.
Tankersley Senior Citizens Group – invite new members. Activities include a variety of social events and excursions. Anyone interested should contact Brian Marsden on 01226 746306 or 07947430259
The Hub Tuck Shop will be open on 1300 and 1600 hours on weekends and at selected times during the school holidays – weather permitting. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, ice creams and confectionary all available whilst visiting Pilley Pocket Park.
Tankersley Community Green – The ‘Thick as Thieves’ tribute to ‘The Jam’ event was well attended and was a great success. More similar events are planned for the future and suggestions for themes are welcomed – please contact any TCA member with ideas.