TUESDAY, 21st JUNE 2022
Present: Mrs P. Clegg (Chair) Mr J. Hopkinson (Treasurer) Mrs J. Hopkinson (Secretary) Mr. W Jones, Mr & Mrs A. Jordan, Mr .D. Crossley, Mr M. Coy, Miss J. Wroe, Mrs J. Morton
Apologies for Absence: None
Minutes of the previous AGM were read and it was proposed by Mr J. Hopkinson and seconded by Miss J Wroe that they were a true record and should be signed.
Matters Arising from the Minutes: Mr Hopkinson reported that the Reserve Account had not yet been increased.
Chairperson’s Report: See attached report
Treasurer’s Report: Mr Hopkinson reported that the audit had been completed and it was agreed they should be signed and returned to Tingle Ashmore. He reported that the Association was in a very healthy state. A copy of the financial statements were handed to the meeting and were approved and duly signed.
Secretary’s Report: See attached report
Committee Proposals: It was proposed by Mr Crossley and seconded by Mr Coy that a letter of thanks should be sent to the volunteers who had helped with various jobs over the last year. It was also discussed and it was decided to leave it to a later date about a small gift as a token of appreciation.
It was discussed and it was proposed by Mr Hopkinson and seconded by Mr Crossley that the Hall Hire Charge should be increased £1.00 per hour from the 1st July, 2022. All agreed.
Correspondence: None
Co-options: It was proposed by Mr Hopkinson and seconded by Mrs Hopkinson that Jane Morton should be co-opted to the committee. She was welcomed by Mrs Clegg.
Election of Officers: It was proposed by Mr Jones and seconded by Mr Coy that all officers should be re-elected En Bloc.
Chairperson: Mrs P. Clegg
Treasurer: Mr J Hopkinson
Secretary: Mrs J. Hopkinson
Committee: Miss J Wroe, Mr W. Jones, Mr D Crossley, Mr M. Coy, Mr A. Jordan, Mrs S. Jordan, Mrs J. Morton
Date of Next AGM: No date was set
Any Other Business: None
There being no other business the meeting was closed.