Committee Meeting Minutes 21 June 2022



 TUESDAY, 21st JUNE, 2022

PRESENT:  Mrs. P. Clegg, Mr. J. Hopkinson, Mrs. J. Hopkinson, Mr W. Jones, Mr M. Coy, Mr D.Crossley, Miss J. Wroe, Mr & Mrs  A. Jordan ,Mrs  J. Morton



The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and it was proposed by Mr M Coy and seconded by Mr W. Jones that they were a true record and should be signed.






TREASURER’S REPORT:  John distributed a copy of the financial report to the Committee.  He reported that things were very healthy.  He reported that the front flower bed had now been completed and that he was awaiting the money from TPEG.


 ARRANGEMENTS FOR HALL OPENING/CLOSING/BOOKINGS: The Secretary reported that the Hall continued to be busy and there were no problems. Judith reported that she would be on holiday in July and alternative arrangements would have to be made during his time.

CATERING MATTERS:  The Tuck Shop was discussed and it was decided that we should  continue to  open on a weekend until the school holidays then review times of opening.

WEB SITE: David reported that the Web Site was continuing to do well with plenty of views.  He said that we still needed to concentrate on putting articles on the site and keeping it interesting and up-to-date. He proposed that perhaps the Minutes should be included. It was agreed.

BOWLING GREEN:  John reported that there had been nothing received from BMBC. He stated that he had sent an email asking for an update but nothing had been received.  He said that it had been used for several events and was proving very popular.

FRONT FLOWER BED:  Judith reported that it was now completed and looked really nice.  She proposed that we should look after it by watering the plants and that it would be a good idea to have a hose pipe tap and hose to make like easy.  Mr Jones seconded the proposal.

JUBILEE EVENT:  David reported that the event had gone really well under the circumstances.  The rain had a large impact but we ‘did our best’.  He said that there was a surplus of £313 left from the event and the groups involved had decided to hand it to TCA.  After a discussion it was decided that we should put this money into the purchase of a new strong Gazebo for future events. All agreed.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS:  David reported that the Bonfire would go ahead on the 5th November, run by the Parish Council.  He said that we should give some thought as to the ‘Bar’ on this occasion and as to whether TCA could run the inside Bar and Dave run an outside bar.  It was decided that we should approach Dave and have a discussion with him about the possibilities. It was discussed and TCA committee agreed to do the catering as in previous years with further discussions in the future.

Judith reported that the new conservatory roof should be fitted week commencing 27.6.2022.  She also said that the room needed emptying prior to this.  She also reported that we should be thinking about the next step with a view to tables and chairs.

MONTHLY TESTS & INSPECTIONS:  Judith reported that these had been done whilst the Hall was empty.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Tuesday 3rd July, 2022 at 3 p.m.

There being other business he meeting closed.



