Services – There will be a Service at 9.30 at St. Peter’s Church, Tankersley. Pilley St. Paul’s is closed until further notice.
A coffee morning will be held on Saturday 10th February between 10.00 and 12.00 noon in the Senior Citizens Room at The Hub.
Tuesday 13th February is Shrove Tuesday and the Church bells at St. Peter’s will ring the ‘Pancake Bell’ at 11.00 am. This is reviving an ancient tradition. The Church will be open between 10.30 and 12.00 noon and everyone is invited to have a go at ringing the bell.
A quiz night with pie and pea supper will be held in The Hub on Friday 23rd February. Admission is by ticket from Joy on 01226 745522 or Judith on 07989484050.
Age UK – Healthy Living – Session are now running on Wednesdays between 10.00 and 12.00 noon.
Tankersley Community Association – The afternoon tea continues on Tuesdays at 1300 hours.
A ‘Back to the 80’s’ Disco will be held to celebrate the Valentines weekend on Saturday 17th February. The event is free but you are asked to show commitment by buying a ticket at £5 which can then be used to purchase drinks from the bar. Contact any TCA member or John on 07980200365.
The Whist Drive will be held at 13.30 on Thursday 22nd February. Everyone welcome – your chance to learn!
Tankersley Parish Council – the next meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday 26th February in Tankersley Hub.
Tankersley Senior Citizens Group – invite new members. Activities include a variety of social events and excursions. Anyone interested should contact Brian Marsden on 01226 746306 or 07947430259
The Hub Tuck Shop is now closed for the winter season but will be opened on special occasions if weather permits.