TCA Meeting Minutes 12MAR24

 Tankersley Community Association

Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday 12th March 2024


Present: Mr.W. Jones (Chair); Mrs. J. Hopkinson; Mr. J. Hopkinson; Mrs. A. Jefferies; Mr. D. Crossley; M. Coy; S. Cowley; D. Scothorn; Mrs S. Scothorn;


    Item Action Responsibility Timescale
1 Apologies for absence Ms J. Morton None    
2 Minutes of the previous meeting. Proposed by D. Crossley and seconded by S. Cowley as a true record.


Signed by Chair. W. Jones


3 Matters arising not covered in the agenda. Social media update – D. Crossley reported that a volunteer (Tom ?) had offered his services. Invite Tom to the next meeting to discuss actions. D. Crossley


4 Correspondence None


5 Financial Statement The Treasurer displayed the accounts on the display screen and outlined the current situation as very healthy and explained recent transactions between accounts.

It was suggested and agreed that monthly comparisons of income and expenditure should be presented.

Suggested and agreed that monthly income and expenditure figures should be published on the TCA website

Confirmed and accepted.




Treasurer to publish wef April 2024


Implement wef from April 2024








Treasurer and

Social Media Manager





April 2024



April 2024

6 Hall Opening and bar  arrangements No issues with opening.

Bar staffing rota needed for forthcoming events.


John Hopkinson to liaise with members to organise a rota. John Hopkinson 15.03.24


7 2024 Plan – Progress ·         06.05.24 – Local History Day – A. Jeffries reported that everything was progressing well.  Contact with the school has been made. Publicity discussed – advertise on social media plus posters.

·         08.06.24 – D-Day Event – John Hopkinson reported that a working group had now met twice.

3 ‘Bands’ have been booked and some suggested resources will be ordered.

Military involvement was uncertain.

Dripping and Jam sandwiches to be offered plus an external food vendor.


·         20.07.24 – Summer Fun Day – D. Crossley reported that the working group had now met twice.  The plan of activities was developing well and all attractions had now been booked. The school will run a tombola stall.  External food vendor (pizza) will attend. Local businesses to be contacted re Sponsorship/donations.


·         07.09.24 – Cinema on the Green – no progress report available due to J. Morton’s absence.  Deposit has been paid.


Working group to continue.



Event details to Emma Ward for poster design.



Further working group meeting to be arranged.









Further group meetings to be arranged as necessary.


A.      Jefferies







J. Hopkinson











D. Crossley










J. Morton









April 2024











At DC discretion










At JM discretion


8 Funding Treasurer reported that there still has been no decision on the application in support of the kitchen improvement project.

A request for feedback on which the successful bids were has been made to BMBC but no response to-date.

It was suggested and agreed that a 10 Year Plan for TCA development be produced to guide future funding applications and give structure to future plans.

Await panel decision.




Await response.



A meeting specifically to discuss a 10 Year Plan to be arranged – potentially as the next TCA meeting.

















9 Neighbourhood Plan A meeting was held on 20.02.24 and W. Jones reported developments to the committee. The draft plan was displayed on the screen and it was generally felt to be reasonably acceptable apart from the question relating to Hub use.  Agreed that an amendment to include reference to the Rockingham Centre be requested. Amendment to be submitted to TPC Clerk. J. Hopkinson


9 Any Other Business ·         S. Cowley has contacted Gem Imports to enquire whwther they could support our events in any way. No response as yet.

·         M. Coy suggested an ‘overnight sleep over’ in support of The British Legion and/or other charities.  Agreed to be a worthwhile initiative.

·         W, Jones thanked D. Scothorn and D. Stacey for their work in removing the hedges trimmings in the park.

·         J. Hopkinson proposed the purchase of a new portable whiteboard. Agreed.

·         It was suggested that plaques to name the various rooms in The Hub be purchased.





Undertake research to consider feasibility and timing – report back to Committee.


Record appreciation.





Research suppliers, types, prices.

S. Cowley




M. Coy







J. Hopkinson


J. Hopkinson





At MC discretion











12 Date of next meeting Tuesday 9th April 2024


All attend. All 09.04.24